AFKW 2019

Presented by AFKW

“In Emmanuel Mouret’s witty twist on Denis Diderot’s 18th-century novel Jacques the Fatalist, also the inspiration for Bresson’s Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne, passion dissipates into jealousy and hardens into vengeance in Mademoiselle de Joncquières.

No screenings currently scheduled.

Presented by AFKW

PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE! Screening at 2:00pm, not 2:50pm

“After successfully rebooting the Asterix franchise into a clever CG animation movie with 2014’s The Land of the Gods, writers-directors Alexandre Astier and Louis Clichy offer up a lively if less-enlightening follow-up with Asterix – Le Secret de la potion magique.

No screenings currently scheduled.

Presented by AFKW.

“Actor-turned-director Gilles Lellouche coaxes a motley assortment of Frenchmen to shake off their midlife malaise by celebrating their inner Esther Williams in Le Grand Bain. It is a feelgood comedy-drama with misfits and underdogs discovering strength and a sense of purpose in unity.

No screenings currently scheduled.

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