Showtime for Lost in Translation: 20th Anniversary! playing May 14th, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Playhouse

"Effectively balancing humor and subtle pathos, Sofia Coppola crafts a moving, melancholy story that serves as a showcase for both Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson" - Rotten Tomatoes

"Sofia Coppola's sophomore film (following the gently assured The Virgin Suicides) is another exploration of delicate relationships and uncommunicated frustrations, this one in a beautifully composed atmosphere of isolation." -

"The vision of Bill Murray singing Roxy Music's More Than This in a karaoke bar will remain with me for a long time. The moment in Sofia Coppola's film is perfectly poised between humour and sadness; a critical balance that characterises... [ return to movie page ]

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